Testing Mixins

Collection of functionality mix-ins.

This module contains standalone classes that can be safely mixed into the BaseTest class. Each mixin extends the functionality of the test case by adding behaviors, methods, and attributes - for example, patching well-understood functionality or automatically creating/destroying an in memory UDP server.

When creating a mixin it is important to take not that you should strive to keep the Method Resolution Order (MRO) as clean as possible. Each mixin class should ideally only inherit from object.

class test_helpers.mixins.EnvironmentMixin

Mix this class in if you manipulate environment variables.

A common problem in testing code that uses environment variables is forgetting that they are really globals that persist between tests. This mixin exposes methods that make it easy and safe to set and unset environment variables while ensuring that the environment will be restored when the test has completed.

You need to mix this in over a class that calls the configure annihilate class methods around the code under test such as test_helpers.bases.BaseTest.

classmethod annihilate()
classmethod configure()
classmethod set_environment_variable(name, value)

Set the value of an environment variable.

classmethod unset_environment_variable(name)

Clear an environment variable.

class test_helpers.mixins.PatchMixin

A mixin to allow inline patching and automatic un-patching.

This mixin adds one new method, create_patch that will create and activate patch objects without having to use the decorator.

In order to make use of the patching functionality you need to set the patch_prefix class attribute. This attribute should be the python module path whose objects you want to patch. For example, if you wanted to patch the baz object in the foo.bar module your patch prefix might look like foo.bar. When creating a patch you can now just refer to the object name like cls.create_patch('baz').

This usage of this mixin as opposed to the patch decorator results in less pylint errors and not having to think about the order of decorator application.

Example Usage:

class MyTest(mixins.PatchMixin, bases.BaseTest):

    patch_prefix = 'my_application.module.submodule'

    def configure(cls):
        cls.foo_mock = cls.create_patch('foo')
        cls.bar_mock = cls.create_patch('bar', return_value=100)

    def execute(cls):

    def should_call_foo(self):

    def should_return_100_from_bar(self):
        self.assertEqual(100, self.bar_mock.return_value)
classmethod create_patch(target, **kwargs)

Create and apply a patch.

This method calls mock.patch() with the keyword parameters and returns the running patch. This approach has the benefit of applying a patch without scoping the patched code which, in turn, lets you apply patches without having to override setUpClass() to do it.

Parameters:target (str) – the target of the patch. This is passed as an argument to cls.patch_prefix.format() to create the fully-qualified patch target.
patch_prefix = ''
classmethod setUpClass()
classmethod stop_patches()

Stop any active patches when the class is finished.

classmethod tearDownClass()

Tornado Specific Helpers